Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sick and so thankful

so, i have been getting sick a lot recently. as soon as i'm over one thing, i get another. at first it was colds and such. then it was near bronchitis or pneumonia so they put me on a little steroids and antibiotics. then there was last night....
last night was hard. i honestly thought that if i didn't get an IV in me soon, i could die or something! i think i threw up over 12 times in about 11hrs. it was quite the adventure considering there was nothing left in me after my 4th time and i couldn't even hold down a few sips of water.
Jacob was amazing. he stayed with me in that cramped, hot bathroom until he kicked me out at 8am. i got a blessing at 3am ish from gpa ward and jacob. i am SO thankful for blessings. it said that i should have faith. it was extremely difficult to have faith at times, no lie, but i did my best. Jacob said comforting words and sang to me when i was 1/2 unconscious on the toilet lid at 4am. i was so tired, but my stomach wouldn't let me lay down or make it to the couch. it was horrible. at 8am, Jacob slowly took me to my bedroom upstairs. it was a lot cooler in my bedroom and that helped me sleep and not toss my cookies.
my stomach has been sensitive all day. because i am dehydrating now, Jacob has been making sure i have things to drink. so far today, i have had about 5-6 saltine crackers, a 1/2 glass of sprite, 1 1/2 bottles of propel (still trying to finish this 2nd bottle), and 3/4 of my light jelly toast. i know i should have more, but my stomach is still really queezie.
i am so thankful for my amazing fiance! he has helped me through this every step of the way. i feel really bad for his lack-of-sleep, but i know he will be blessed for being so selfless and helping me. i am so thankful that he picked me to be with for time and all eternity.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

time should go faster.

58 DAYS!!!!

wow from four months away to 58 more days....still a long time in my opinion.
- A long time until i don't have to walk home at 11:58pm in the cold winds of Idaho.
- 58 days until i can hold her at any moment at any time of the day without having interruptions that enforce a sense of feeling like emotions need to be hidden and not talked about.

She is Amazing and i can't wait until we are joined together for eternity.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

I miss him

so...whenever he logs off to go to bed, i wish he was on again. i know that is when i should go to bed too, but sometimes i just wish he was here. i fall right asleep when my head is in it's special spot on his shoulder. i miss him at night time when i have to send him home by pumpkin hour... i think we're down to about 60 days until i don't have to send him away :)


Friday, November 12, 2010


A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last. And though at times a thread may break A new one forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world, where we belong. - Sheelagh Lennon -

Monday, November 1, 2010

She Loves Me!

~She loves me for who i am, not who she thinks i should be.

There is no one in the world like this girl. She is one of a kind and she is mine. There is hardly a day that goes by that I do not smile because of the sweet things she does for me.

All she really has to do is smile and I go weak at the knees...but SHH don't tell ;)

I am so in love with this beautiful daughter of God and I thank Him every day for putting her into my life.

She's my Love, Love, Love, Love!