Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cute daddy to be :)

Jacob has finally started talking to my belly/the baby, as of about a week ago. in the past I would ask him to tell the baby he loves him, but he would just roll his eyes. now he talks to the baby all on his own :)

Jacob loves to put his head on my belly and get kicked in the face by our sweet baby boy!

Earlier today he had his hand on the side of my belly and got really excited. Jacob thought he had the baby's foot and he kept trying to tickle it while he kicked Jacob. lol.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Date nights at home

"At Home" Date Nights
1.  Play a Board Game
2.  Video Record the Story of How You Met & Fell in Love
3.  Cook a Late Night Dinner Together
4.  Rent a Red Box Movie
5.  Write a Prayer List & Pray Together
6.  Make Smoothies or Milkshakes
7.  Share 5 Goals Over a Late Night Snack
8.  Do a Puzzle Together
9.  Play a Card Game
10.  Have a Chip & Dip Night - Add Conversation
11.  Set up a Practical Joke for the Kids
12.  Make Calzones Together
13.  Give Each Other a Foot Rub
14.  Play a Game with High Stakes - Make a Bet!
15.  Record Each Other Sharing a Recent Memory
16.  Tackle a FUN Project
17.  Write a Gratitude List Together
18.  Have an Ice Cream Sundae Night
19.  Play a Video Game Together
20.  Search for Funny YouTube Videos
21.  Grab Take Out & Eat By Candlelight
22.  Give Each Other a Back Rub
23.  Share Where You Want to be in 5 or 10 Years.
24.  Play a Prank on Someone
25.  Set up a Scavenger Hunt for the Kids
26.  Watch a Home Video Together
27.  Write a Story Together - Mad Libs Style
28.  Make a Dessert Together
29.  Read Something Together
30.  Write Your Bucket List and Share