we paid rent recently. that means that we have no money. like, less than $20 no money. so we haven't really went on a grocery run for about 3 weeks. trying to figure out what is for supper is very difficult. I have had to eaten things that I shouldn't be eating (cereal that isn't Kris-proof with milk that isn't Kris-proof, for example). Jacob and I had instant rice (chedder and broccoli or chicken and broccoli-the ones on sale last time) for supper last night, lunch today, and maybe even supper tonight. I guess it is kinda like ramen noodles, in my case. we have pasta (which I can't eat), but no sauces. Jacob could make bread! I can't eat bread... we have applesauce, cream cheese, butter, a tomato, 1/2 a cucumber, some canned fruit, a box or two of cereal, a few flour tortillas, normal rice, chocolate, canned tomatoes, muffin mixes, popcorn kernels thingys, water, ice, frozen OJ, Thrive fruits and veggies, limp celery, condiments... no bread, milk, eggs...oh wait, I can't eat any of that anyways. ugh. the grant money
should be making its way into the bank account this week. then we can go grocery shopping and stock up :)
my food is so expensive and seems to need to be fresh. it is a pain in the butt, to say the least, but it will work out. I'm going to be stocking up on gluten-free Betty Crocker baking mix stuff! it doesn't taste very amazing, but it is better than some stuff I've tried. I should be getting
spelt in my host benefits package this week (aka free food!) and my mum gave me one of her grinders. Jacob and I are crossing fingers and saying prayers that I can eat that stuff and it will be similar enough to flour!
OH! I just remember we have some oats in the cupboard! might be having oatmeal with OJ tonight. I'll make enough so I can eat some for breakfast too ;) now to decide what to make for Jacob... (he doesn't like oatmeal, pancakes, brownies, cake, cookies...but if it isn't one of the few things he doesn't like, he will eat pretty much anything) maybe I will make him a package of blueberry muffins! we have one or two of those. unless it needs an egg...oh! I have Thrive powder eggs! and then he can fend for himself after he eats his muffins. lol. but for reals, I don't know what I'm making him. maybe if I go and stand in the kitchen and stare at things for a while longer, something will just appear. hey, it could happen, right?
wish me luck!